Pothos GraphQL

Object Types

This will walk you through creating your first object types, some concepts in this guide will be explained further in later guides.

Create some data

When adding a new type to your schema, you'll need to figure how the data behind this type will be represented. In this guide, we will use a class to represent some information about giraffes. Using classes is completely optional, but it's a good place to start, since it makes it easy to show all the different ways that you can tie the shape of your data to a new object type.

export class Giraffe {
  name: string;
  birthday: Date;
  heightInMeters: number;

  constructor(name: string, birthday: Date, heightInMeters: number) {
    this.name = name;
    this.birthday = birthday;
    this.heightInMeters = heightInMeters;

Define the type

You can use builder.objectType to add new Object types to your schema.

const builder = new SchemaBuilder({});

builder.objectType(Giraffe, {
  name: 'Giraffe',
  description: 'Long necks, cool patterns, taller than you.',
  fields: (t) => ({}),

The first argument is an ObjectParam, in this case the class that represent our giraffes. This is used to convey type information about our underlying data, so that fields can know what properties are available on the parent object.

Add some fields

Fields define what data is available in your schema

builder.objectType(Giraffe, {
  name: 'Giraffe',
  description: 'Long necks, cool patterns, taller than you.',
  fields: (t) => ({
    name: t.exposeString('name', {}),
    age: t.int({
      resolve: (parent) => {
        // Do some date math to get an aproximate age from a birthday
        const ageDifMs = Date.now() - parent.birthday.getTime();
        const ageDate = new Date(ageDifMs); // miliseconds from epoch
        return Math.abs(ageDate.getUTCFullYear() - 1970);
    height: t.float({
      resolve: (parent) => parent.heightInMeters,

In Pothos we never automatically expose properties from the underlying data. Each property we want to add in our schema needs to be explicitly defined. The fields property in options object should be a function that accepts one argument (a FieldBuilder) and returns an object who's keys are the field names, and who's values are FieldRefscreated by the FieldBuilder. Fields are explained in more detail in the fields guide.

Add a query

We can create a root Query object with a field that returns a giraffe using builder.queryType

  fields: (t) => ({
    giraffe: t.field({
      type: Giraffe,
      resolve: () => new Giraffe('James', new Date(Date.UTC(2012, 11, 12)), 5.2),

The type parameter can use whatever was used as the first argument of builder.objectType, in this case the Giraffe class. builder.objectType also returns a Ref object that can be used as a TypeParam.

Create a server

Pothos schemas build into a plain schema that uses types from the graphqlpackage. This means it should be compatible with most of the popular GraphQL server implementations for node. In this guide we will use graphql-yoga but you can use whatever server you want.

import { createServer } from 'http';
import { createYoga } from 'graphql-yoga';

const yoga = createYoga({
  schema: builder.toSchema(),
  context: (ctx) => ({
    user: { id: Number.parseInt(ctx.request.headers.get('x-user-id') ?? '1', 10) },

export const server = createServer(yoga);


// Build schema and start server with the types we wrote above
const server = createServer({
  schema: builder.toSchema(),


Query your data

  1. Run your server (either with ts-node) by compiling your code and running it with node.
  2. Open to open the playground and query your API:
query {
  giraffe {

Different ways to define Object types

There are 3 different ways that you can provide type information to Pothos about what the underlying data in your graph will be. Depending on how the rest of your application is structured you can pick the approach that works best for you, or use a combination of different styles.

Using classes

This is the approach used above. If your data is already represented as a class, this is a fairly straight forward approach, since you can just use your existing classes anywhere that a TypeParam is expected.

const builder = new SchemaBuilder({});

builder.objectType(Giraffe, {
  name: 'Giraffe',
  description: 'Long necks, cool patterns, taller than you.',
  fields: (t) => ({}),

builder.queryFields((t) => ({
  giraffe: t.field({
    type: Giraffe,
    resolve: () => new Giraffe('James', new Date(Date.UTC(2012, 11, 12)), 5.2),

Using SchemaTypes

You can provide a type mappings when you create the SchemaBuilder. This will allow you to reference the type by name throughout your schema (as a string).

const builder = new SchemaBuilder<{ Objects: { Giraffe: Giraffe } }>({});

builder.objectType('Giraffe', {
  description: 'Long necks, cool patterns, taller than you.',
  fields: (t) => ({}),

builder.queryFields((t) => ({
  giraffe: t.field({
    type: 'Giraffe',
    resolve: () => new Giraffe('James', new Date(Date.UTC(2012, 11, 12)), 5.2),

This is ideal when you want to list out all the types for your schema in one place, or you have interfaces/types that define your data rather than classes, and means you won't have to import anything when referencing the object type in other parts of the schema.

The type signature for SchemaBuilder is described in more detail later, for now, it is enough to know that the Objects type provided to the schema builder allows you to map the names of object types to type definitions that describe the data for those types.

Using Refs

You can use an ObjectRef to reference your class and provide a Generic argument that describes the shape or your data.

const builder = new SchemaBuilder({});

const Giraffe = builder.objectRef<GiraffeShape>('Giraffe');

builder.objectType(Giraffe, {
  description: 'Long necks, cool patterns, taller than you.',
  fields: (t) => ({}),

builder.queryFields((t) => ({
  giraffe: t.field({
    type: Giraffe,
    resolve: () => ({
      name: 'James',
      birthday: new Date(Date.UTC(2012, 11, 12)),
      height: 5.2,

ObjectRefs are useful when you don't want to define all the types in a single place (SchemaTypes) and your data is not represented as classes. Regardless of how you define your object types, builder.objectType returns an ObjectRef that can be used as a type parameter in other parts of the schema.

A slightly simplified version of the above could be written as

const builder = new SchemaBuilder({});

const Giraffe = builder.objectRef<GiraffeShape>('Giraffe').implement({
  description: 'Long necks, cool patterns, taller than you.',
  fields: (t) => ({}),

builder.queryFields((t) => ({
  giraffe: t.field({
    type: Giraffe,
    resolve: () => ({
      name: 'James',
      birthday: new Date(Date.UTC(2012, 11, 12)),
      height: 5.2,

If the type you are defining has a circular reference to itself (either directly, or through another type) you may need to keep `builder.objectRef` and `ref.implement` as separate statements for at least one of the types to allow typescript to correctly resolve the types for your circular references.